Get the Blueprint that built 7 fig creator educator empires.

I analyze how top creator educators build 7 fig empires. You get the blueprint to scale, market, and sell your expertise — all in one Sunday email.

    Save 100+ hrs, avoid mistakes, and get a higher return on your expertise, with no spam, ever.

    The Info Creator Dept isn’t just another newsletter.

    When I lost my self-confidence after years of freelancing, I never thought I’d find a way forward.

    But helping a six-figure creator educator get clarity on their high-ticket offer showed me how much potential I had been ignoring.

    INFO CREATOR DEPT. exists to support creator educators who feel stuck, helping them make better offers and turn their knowledge into real income, while creating a business that reflects their values—just like I’m building mine with deep research, personalization, and collaborative support.

    Why It's Different?


    Blueprint-Level Detail:

    I do comprehensive breakdowns that go beyond surface-level analysis, offering actionable blueprints.


    Proven Success Strategies:

    We don’t just theorize—we provide real strategies that have led to measurable success for top creators.


    Focused on Creator Educators:

    Unlike other newsletters, we zero in on the unique challenges and opportunities within the creator educator space.


    Philosophy-Driven Content:

    The content is rooted in "The Info Creator Way," a philosophy that prioritizes depth, personalization, and sustainable income models over quick fixes.

    What you get

    • Deep dives into the strategies behind 7-figure creator educators
    • Revenue models and how to scale them effectively
    • Content playbooks that drive growth
    • Product ecosystems and how to build them from scratch.
    • Personal insights and philosophies on education and content creation

    What you don't

    • I don’t do surface-level content. Every issue is deep and actionable.
    • No recycled content—each blueprint is original and research-driven.
    • I don’t chase trends or hype.
    • I don’t deal in generalities. Every strategy we share is specific, actionable, and directly tied to proven success stories.

    Is this right for you?

    If you’re serious about building a thriving educational empire, this newsletter is for you.

    • You’re a creator educator looking to monetize your expertise.
    • You’re building info products, but struggling with growth and marketing.
    • You want to learn from real-world case studies and proven strategies.
    • You’re ready to create high-ticket offers and scale your business to 7-figures.
    • You want to build an educational brand

    The Info Creator Way

    It’s about more than just teaching—it’s about building sustainable, scalable educational empires.
    I believe in the power of personalized learning, deep knowledge, and a well-structured ecosystem of products and services. Every piece of content is crafted with this philosophy in mind, helping you not just grow, but thrive.

    Every great empire starts with a blueprint. Let me help you design yours.