Where Creator Educators get higher return on expertise

I analyze how top creator educators build 7 fig empires. You get the blueprint to scale, market, and sell your expertise. Save 100+ hrs, avoid mistakes, and get a higher return on your expertise with no span ever.  — all in one Sunday email.

    Hi - I'm Sudhanshu Pai. I work with creator educators to get them higher return on their expertise.

    When I lost my self-confidence after years of freelancing, I never thought I’d find a way forward.

    But helping a six-figure creator educator get clarity on their high-ticket offer showed me how much potential I had been ignoring. 

    INFO CREATOR DEPT. exists to support creator educators who feel stuck, helping them make better offers and turn their knowledge into real income, while creating a business that reflects their values—just like I’m building mine with deep research, personalization, and collaborative support.

    Some people who have a clear vision of what to build, I work with them as a consultant to improve their info-product.

    Some others want to build something great, but are clueless as to what it should be, I help them go from clueless to launch as a co-creator and a strategic partner.

    At the end of the day, what I do has a simple goal: To work together with amazing, creative and collaborative people from the internet and build substantial, educational and actionable resources that will be impactful for those to come ahead.

    Four more ways I can help you


    The Info Creator Dept.

    Join me in discovering how to get a higher return on your expertise & grow your creator educator business.


    Info-Product Clarity in 90 Min

    A 90-minute call where I help you find perfect brand-aligned info product ideas, solve any hiccups in your current info product ecosystem and plan a new info product if you need it.


    The Door to E

    A newsletter for ambitious people obsessed with Exploring, Explaining & Expanding ideas to escape the default life.


    The Info Product builder kit

    A replicable plug-and-play roadmap, templates, and checklists to help you build your signature info products in a matter of weeks.