Where Creator Educators get higher return on expertise

I analyze how top creator educators build 7 fig empires. You get the blueprint to scale, market, and sell your expertise – And Save time, avoid mistakes, and get a higher return on your knowledge. – all in one Sunday email.

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    Hi - I'm Sudhanshu Pai. I work with creator educators to build lasting impact.

    Building an info-product is more than just putting together knowledge, into a cheap looking ebook or short course just in the hopes to sell & make a few bucks off of ignorant people.

    We build info-products for more than just financial gains, we do it to shed light on a subject, share knowledge and teach people who are willing to learn, in a clear, concise and actionable way.

    It is an ethical responsibility to help and arm people with the right kind of information that can potentially change their lives.

    It’s not about jamming everything you know into a product. It’s about sharing what’s necessary.

    I try to help people build info-products that are lean, flexible and actionable – making it a point that the product doesn’t just teach, but also gets relevant results for the users of the product.

    Some people who have a clear vision of what to build, I work with them as a consultant to improve their info-product.

    Some others want to build something great, but are clueless as to what it should be, I help them go from clueless to launch as a co-creator and a strategic partner.

    At the end of it, what I do has a simple goal: To work together with amazing, creative and collaborative people from the internet and build substantial, educational and actionable resources that will be impactful for those to come ahead.

    Four more ways I can help you


    The Info Creator Dept.

    Join me in discovering how to get a higher return on your expertise & grow your creator educator business.


    Info-Product Clarity in 90 Min

    A 90-minute call where I help you find perfect brand-aligned info product ideas, solve any hiccups in your current info product ecosystem and plan a new info product if you need it.


    The Door to E

    A newsletter for ambitious people obsessed with Exploring, Explaining & Expanding ideas to escape the default life.


    The Info Product builder kit

    A replicable plug-and-play roadmap, templates, and checklists to help you build your signature info products in a matter of weeks.Â