Flagship Info Products: Your Weapon to Build a Strong Creator Educator Brand

Imagine a ship adrift in the vast, unforgiving ocean.

Without a compass, and dwindling resources, it’s a classic tale of human desperation.

This ship is a metaphor for the challenges faced in the digital age by countless creators.

As the saying goes, “Necessity is the mother of invention.” For these lost sailors, finding land is paramount.

Likewise, creators seek a clear path to success amidst a sea of information.

A flagship info product is their lifeline, a compass guiding them toward their goal.

Yet, many creators remain unaware of this powerful tool.

In this essay, we’ll explore the flagship info product and how it can transform a creator’s journey.

(not gonna lie, I’m kind of obsessed with the concept)

Benefits of a Flagship Info Product

Standing out as a creator educator is no easy feat. It’s a competitive landscape where capturing attention is crucial. But, you don’t need a massive following to make a significant impact.

What matters is a strategic blend of:

  • Authority and credibility: Position yourself as an expert.
  • Revenue generation: Generate income.
  • Audience loyalty: Build a dedicated fanbase.
  • Scalability: Expand your reach efficiently.
  • Diversified income streams: Create many revenue channels.

A single standout piece of content or product can be the catalyst for exponential growth. Word-of-mouth has proved to be a powerful force multiplier.

Contrary to popular belief, you don’t need a huge audience to achieve these goals. It’s about quality over quantity.

Yet, not all info products are equal.

The next section will reveal the challenges of traditional info products.

Understanding a Flagship Info Product

A flagship info product is the crown jewel of a creator educator kingdom and a core part of the INFO CREATOR WAY.

It’s more than a product; it’s a beacon, a declaration of expertise. While it may resemble other offerings, its essence is transformative.

Where standard info products build the foundation, a flagship product acts as the cornerstone

Think of it as the difference between a good song and a hit single.

It’s the creator’s deepest knowledge, core values, and commitment to delivering exceptional value.

In essence, it’s a concentrated image of the creator’s brand.

Take a look at this chart and you can’t unsee the difference once you realize it:

Standard info products are like quick wins.

They can bring in money, but they don’t do much to build a strong brand. To stand out, you need something special.

A flagship product is different.

It can attract attention, and community, simultaneously.

While I can say all this based on my observations, how do you know you have a potential Flagship product idea?

I’ll give you an easy framework… a checklist if you will.

If your idea checks these boxes, you might have a potential flagship product on your hands.

F.L.A.G.S.H.I.P checklist

This quote by Elon Musk inspired me to create this frame

“The first step is to establish that something is possible; then probability will occur.”
– Elon Musk

The F.L.A.G.S.H.I.P Framework encapsulates this notion to highlight the essential characteristics.

  1. Foundational Expertise
  2. Learner-Centric Design
  3. Actionable insights
  4. Growth-oriented content
  5. Strategic structure
  6. High-Engagement
  7. Immersive experience
  8. Personal Philosophy

F – Foundational Expertise

Building a flagship product requires depth, but you don’t need to be a walking encyclopedia of your work.

Fill in the gaps with research, expert opinions, and detailed explanations.

By sharing your thought process, you help your audience understand your perspective.

This connection builds trust.

And it makes your product more relatable and the outcome more attainable too.

L – Learner-Centric Design

Many creators make the mistake of giving their audience what they ask for.

They focus on features and learning outcomes without digging deeper. But an exceptional product goes beyond surface-level demands.

Instead of asking “What do they want?”, ask “Why do they want it?” Uncover the underlying pain points and desires.

A flagship product doesn’t solve problems; it should change identity and lives.

Your goal isn’t to be better than yesterday but to create a future where the problem ceases to exist.

Remember, as Jeff Bezos said,

“The most important single thing is to focus on the customer.”
– Jeff Bezos

A – Actionable Insights

Actionable insights are the lifeblood of any successful info product, especially a flagship. Without practical steps and real-world applications, your product is another piece of theory.

While a one-size-fits-all approach might seem efficient, it’s often ineffective.

People learn and apply information in different ways. By providing different use cases, you cater to a wider audience and show your expertise.

Sharing diverse case studies is like offering a buffet of knowledge. You showcase your understanding of various situations and provide tailored advice.

G – Growth-Oriented Content

People crave immediate results.

The digital age has conditioned us for instant gratification. When investing time and money in a course or product, learners expect to see progress quickly.

And milestone-based content is the answer. Break down the learning journey into doable steps, providing a sense of victory at each stage.

Regular progress checks and trackers can also reduce anxiety.

If you show them progress in the first 2 interactions they feel in control and motivated to continue.

Traditional courses often lack this crucial element, leading to frustration and dropout.

S – Strategic Structure

Rather than compiling content, deconstruct your process. Outline every step, decision point, and outcome.

This reverse engineering approach will illuminate the path your audience needs to follow.

When you analyze your work and method, you’ll get 2 things

  1. Find the structure for your product
  2. Find opportunities to improve your own method

Remember, your product is a reflection of your expertise.

H – High Engagement

Statistics show that a large percentage of learners drop out, often due to poor course design. One critical factor is the mode of delivery.

“It’s not about building a product with every feature, it’s about building a product with the right features.”
– Josh Elman

You can give a variety of learning formats, such as video, text, and audio, to cater to diverse learning styles.

Consider the power of interaction.

Forums, feedback, and gamification can transform the learning experience.

I – Immersive Experience

True learning happens through the application. It’s like trying to learn how to swim without entering the water or cycling without touching a bike.

To master a skill, learners must actively engage with the material. Projects, activities, and workshops provide the perfect platform for experimentation.

The more learners interact with the content, the deeper their understanding becomes.

Remember, the goal isn’t to give information but to empower learners.

P – Personal Philosophy

A flagship info product is more than a collection of information; it’s an extension of your brand soul.

“People don’t buy what you do, they buy why you do it.”
– Simon Sinek

Your personal philosophy is the non-negotiable foundation upon which you build your product.

It’s the unique lens through which you view the world that sets you apart.

Whether you’re a

  • minimalist or a maximalist,
  • data-driven or inclined to be creative,

Your philosophy infuses every aspect of your product, from content to delivery.

Remember, people invest in people.

By your authentic self in your product, you create a deep connection with your audience.

A flagship product without strong philosophical support is like a ship without a rudder – adrift and directionless.

Success Stories

Amy Porterfield – Digital Course Academy

Amy Porterfield’s Digital Course Academy is a prime example of a flagship product done right. 

Her years of experience in building businesses and courses turned her into an industry titan.

DCA wasn’t just about sharing knowledge

It’s focus on

  • audience success,
  • with Amy’s magnetic personality and
  • proven strategies,

Pushed the course to remarkable heights.


Pat Flynn – Power-Up Podcasting

Pat gives his learners everything from

  • the how and why
  • the technicalities
  • setting up a website and show notes
  • launching it

With the course being a part of his SPI Membership.

Check it out here: Power-Up Podcasting

Marie Forleo – B-School

Marie Forleo’s B-School became a highly regarded program for entrepreneurs

This one course established has as an entrepreneurial mentor.

The relationship between her and the audience is the hallmark of an exceptional flagship product.

Check it out here: B-School

Jenna Kutcher – The Instagram Lab

Jenna Kutcher’s The Instagram Lab has been a game-changer for countless entrepreneurs and creators.

By sharing her

  • deep knowledge of Instagram’s algorithm and
  • audience psychology,

Kutcher became a leading authority on the platform.

Check it out here: THE INSTAGRAM LAB

Ramit Sethi – Earnable

Ramit Sethi is a leading authority on personal finance and entrepreneurship.

And this was even before he made the course.

But the course amplified everything for his brand.


  • providing actionable strategies
  • playbooks
  • structure for rapid results
  • case studies from real entrepreneurs

Earnable became a revolutionary course in building online businesses.

Check it out here: Earnable

What can you do to get started?

Creating a flagship product can seem overwhelming, but it’s a journey worth taking.

Let’s break down the process into manageable steps.

1. Identify Your Core Expertise: Your unique strengths are the foundation of your product. Don’t be afraid to delve deep and uncover your true passions. As the saying goes, “Do what you love, and you’ll never work a day in your life.”

2. Understand Your People: Market research is important, but don’t just focus on what people want. Instead, identify what they need based on your expertise. As Seth Godin said, “People don’t buy what you do, they buy why you do it.”

Read: 5 Steps to study your customer

3. Generate Ideas: Combine your expertise with your audience’s needs to brainstorm product ideas. Look for gaps in the market where you can offer a unique solution.

Read: The Elimination Framework that finds profitable product ideas

4. Validate Your Idea: Before diving in, test your product concept. Use surveys, landing pages, or social media to gauge interest. Remember, “a little done is better than a lot planned,” as Gary Keller advises.

Read: 5 Signals to Easily Validate Your Signature Product Idea

5. Build and Launch: Once you’ve validated your idea, it’s time to create your product. Focus on delivering exceptional value and building a strong foundation for future growth.

You can start creating a product that solidifies your position as an industry leader.

Final Words

A flagship info product is a game-changer. It’s more than a product; it’s the cornerstone of a successful creator business.

Here’s why:

  • Showcase Expertise: It highlights your unique knowledge and skills.
  • Deliver Exceptional Value: It provides in-depth solutions to big problems.
  • Reflect Your Brand: It embodies your values and mission.
  • Drive Revenue and Growth: It generates income and expands your audience.
  • Build a Community: It fosters connections and creates loyal customers.

Instead of creating countless pieces of content, focus on building one exceptional product. It’s a more efficient way to establish yourself as a thought leader and generate long-term income.

It is a driving force behind Thought Leadership Flywheel.

Well, that’s it.

Now it’s time for you to find your own info product that puts you on the map.

This is one of many lessons inside The Info Product Builder Kit. It’s a completely replicable plug-and-play roadmap on building brand-aligned, flagship info products that expand your brand ecosystem and help you earn more with your expertise. The kit is designed to help you save time, avoid mistakes, and leverage speed to build info products that grow your brand and business.

Let’s do more together:

  • Book a 1:1 Clarity Call. I’ll help you find & plan the best info-product for your business.
  • The Info Product Builder Kit: A plug-and-play roadmap, templates, and checklists to help you build your signature info products in a matter of weeks. (Join the Waitlist and get a Free 1:1 clarity Call for your next info product)